TradeKey Private Limited - helping to expand your business globally! (Exhibitors TV at POGEE 2013)

2013-06-29 132

Muhammad Ayaz Qazi, Business Development Manager - GBE briefed about TradeKey Pvt Limited and also represented Sanki Petroleum which is dealing in Fuel Dispensers.

While speaking with Exhibitors TV at POGEE 2013, he shared that TradeKey is the World's largest B2B website. They provide a platform to the buyers and suppliers from round the globe to interact with each other.
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This Special Online Video Coverage of POGEE 2013 is brought to you by "Exhibitors TV Network" in Strategic Partnership with Pegasus Consultancy and Tradekey (Pvt) Ltd. and in Collaboration with Nippa Tech Co Ltd. - Japan and GS Yuasa International Ltd.

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